Everyone wants to be a kind friend no matter what age. The Kind Friends Programme has been created for people of all ages to learn and once learnt, you will be able to use them for the rest of your lives. Mr Tree’s 4 Agreements for the Kind...
Trees and People Trees provide shade on hot days, and many species provide food such as fruits and nuts. When planted in numbers in large parks and gardens, they have a calming effect for people who walk amongst them. Trees also produce oxygen...
Trees provide us with lots and lots. So why do we need them and what are the benefits of trees in our lives? Animals need trees as well. The environment of which an animal lives is called a Habitat. Habitats provide a home, food and safety...
What is an Arborist and can I be one? Any one can be an Arborist. So how can I be an Arborist? Once you have completed your training, you can care and maintain trees just like an Arborist does. All Arborists have different levels of...
Often people ask ‘What is Bullying?’ When somebody is bullying you it does not feel very nice. There are often many reasons why somebody may bully you. Bullying is when somebody:- makes fun of you in front of others continually picks...