Our Vision, Our Mission

The Tree House Adventures team are here to educate and inspire young people on the being of a tree and the every day activity in preserving, protecting, recycling and connecting with trees, nature and the environment.

Humans could not survive without trees and other plants because we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees do the opposite. Plants change carbon dioxide back to oxygen to enable us to live.

As part of our childhood, many of us spent years climbing trees. The touch, the smell and being in the open fresh air is part of a healing environment. Getting our kids out into the open spaces and connect with nature.

We are here to educate, connect with our environment and create adventures.

We hope you all enjoy the journey.

Preserving Trees is our AIM, Removing them is not our GAIN.

The Tree House Adventures crew!

Here you will learn about trees, animals and their habitat, health and safety of trees and working with trees!

Learn all about Tree Education here with our fun website designed for children and their educators.  Learn about why we need trees, what we can get from trees, recycling trees, working with trees, the health and safety of a tree.  Read about people who work with trees and what do they do.  You can explore it all. We are here to protect the environment.