The Kind Friends Programme

The Kind Friends Programme

Everyone wants to be a kind friend no matter what age. The Kind Friends Programme has been created for people of all ages to learn and once learnt, you will be able to use them for the rest of your lives.

Mr Tree’s 4 Agreements for the Kind Friend Programme

Here is a fun and easy way for parents, teachers, coaches and adults to teach children ‘How to be a kind friend’ with 4 simple steps. These steps are are:-

  1. Use Kind Words
  2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
  3. Don’t Make Assumptions
  4. Always Do Your Best

Our books has an example of 1 or more of our agreements in each book.

The programme will help you to Stop, Listen, Ask and then Speak.

1st Agreement – Use Kind Words

Words have the power to create and the power to destroy.

When we listen to the words we are using, we can hear ourselves talk and therefore tell if we are using Positive or Negative Words.

When using our words, we want to use words that make people feel happy, so we use Positive Words. Sometimes, words make us feel sad and they are called Negative Words. Thinking about the words we use helps our friends be happy. Choose words with love and kindness and you will always be happy to. For an example of using kind words read Mr Tree and the Scary Sleepover.

2nd Agreement – Don’t Take Anything Personally

When listening to our friends, not every word that is said is about YOU. When somebody is speaking, they are speaking from their own experiences. These experiences are often not the same as yours. Experiences allow us to have different perspectives on things. When somebody is talking, they are talking about themselves and not YOU.

Taking things personally will only upset you. For an example of taking things personally read Mr Tree saves Simon from the Bully.

3rd Agreement – Don’t Make Assumptions

We believe what we have been told and always trust it is true. Sometimes people tell us something that is not true or they may lie. People lie to us because they don’t want to be seen as not being perfect. If you are unsure on what somebody has said to you, stop and ask the question ‘Why’ or have the courage and ask questions to find out the right answers.

We often believe because we don’t ask questions and are satisfied by just knowing. For an example on why you should never assume read Mr Tree Saves Simon from the Bully.

4th Agreement – Always Do Your Best

5 minutes from now you will be doing better than you did 5 minutes ago.

We are always learning and have capabilities to always do better. Doing your best means, you are always trying. For an example of trying and being helpful and doing your best read Mr Tree saves his friends from the Storm.

the 4 agreements

How to find out your child’s Learning Style

We all learn at different rates and in different ways. Some children can learn faster than others. There are 4 main styles of learning and they are:

  1. Visual
  2. Auditory
  3. Reading/Writing and
  4. Kinesthetic

You will find many students use a combination of each of these learning styles, however there is usually one style that works best of them. When using the right study method, your child will find it makes all the difference when it comes to your child understanding (and remembering) the 4 Agreements.

To find out what learning style your child is, here is a easy link designed by Scholastics

This will help you and your child have a fun and successful school life.

Comfort Zones

Have a look at the zones we are in throughout any day. We need to have courage to change zones. The reason why most people like to stay in the comfort zone is because it is safe. Choosing to change zones builds strength and resilience.

the 4 agreements


For children interested in reading about these 4 agreements and trees we have the Mr Tree series of books

Buy online so please visit our store.


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